Today we had our final class in the Elluminate Live classroom. It’s really an amazing way to have class and should be incorporated by universities all over! Overall, the blogs that were presented were absolutely amazing. People clearly spent a lot of time and effort researching and putting together some excellent work.
Stephanie and Angela put together a really great blog, and I really enjoyed the video at the beginning of their blog who talked about students with sensory processing disorders. They also had really good information on lower level planning for writers. Very well organized blog.
Julie and Krista had an awesome ‘experience first-hand’ demo. I had come across that demo and talked about it in a much earlier post, but it really is a great way for people to get a glimpse into the various disorders that are out there. I loved the way they had the widgets on their blog, the text to speech tool at the top was very good. The story builder app they presented on was interesting and could be used for so many different types of students. I also thought the organizational capabilities of istudiez pro would be very beneficial.
The trio of Joelle, Meggie, and Janna also had an extremely well organized blog. I was very impressed by the capability of the program ghotit – what a great tool. I also liked the section they had on the different tools to help get students with proprioception. The 3-holed pencil grip was very cool.
I liked the symwriters that Barb presented on. She also had a very well organized blog as well.
I really enjoyed working with Catherine and Shelley on our blog. They both uncovered some amazing information and tools to use for supporting the writing process. I of course loved Catherine’s xtranormal video that she created! I’ve already thought about how I can incorporate that into my classes this fall!
I will certainly make sure I keep all of the blog sites handy to utilize in the future and to pass on to colleagues.
Thanks to all!